Check out the previous editions

Breaking the Frontiers: Bioeconomy Strategies & Policies and Environmental Challenges for a Sustainable Future

Faculty of Agrifood and Environmental Economics

August 11-25 2019,
Bucharest, Romania

Cultural Heritage: fostering Community Spirit and Sustainable Development

Faculty of Marketing

August 12-26 2018,
Bucharest, Romania

Globalisation through Business and Management – Becoming an Agent of Change

Faculty of Management

August 13-27 2017,
Bucharest, Romania

Public Value, Politics and Public Management in the European Union

Faculty of Administration and Public Management

August 14-28 2016,
Bucharest, Romania

Entrepreneurship and Agribusiness Intentions in the Global Economy

Faculty of Agrifood and Environmental Economics

August 9-23 2015, Bucharest,

Financial Challenges and Opportunities in a Competitive Economy

Faculty of Finance and Banking

August 10-24 2014,
Bucharest, Romania

Information and Governance in the Future Global Economy

Faculty of Accounting and Management Information Systems

August 11-25 2013,
Bucharest, Romania

Creativity and Innovation for the Future Businesses

Faculty of Business and Tourism

August 12-26 2012,
Bucharest, Romania

Energy and Economic Growth

Faculty of Marketing

August 14-28 2011,
Bucharest, Romania

Risk and Security in the Globalised World

Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics and Economic Informatics

August 8-22 2010,
Bucharest, Romania

Economics and Politics in the Globalised Society

August 10-24 2009,
Bucharest, Romania

The Four Fundamental Liberties of the European Union

Faculty of International Business and Economics

August 10-25 2008,
Bucharest, Romania

Global Investment Strategies in the New Economic Reality

Faculty of Management

August 6-26 2007,
Bucharest, Romania

Pregătirea IMM-urilor pentru o economie bazată pe cunoștințe

August 20-September 3 2006,
Bucharest, Romania

Integrarea diversității economice în Europa

August 2005,
Bucharest, Romania

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Bucharest Summer University is the official international summer school organized by the Bucharest University of Economic Studies that tackles mainly with economic problems (subjects and themes belonging to other fields and disciplines may also be approached) and its main purpose is to promote academic values common among students from around world.

The countdown has started... Stay tuned for the greatest summer school in Romania!

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