Let the journey begin!

The Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE), the Bucharest University of Economic Studies Students’ Union (USASE) through the Students’ Senate, the Association of Faculties of Economics from Romania (AFER), with the academic mentoring of the The Faculty of Business Administration in Foreign Languages (FABIZ) gladly invites you to take part in one of this summer’s most engaging and dynamic experiences: Bucharest Summer University.

The 19th edition of the international summer school, held annually in Bucharest, gathers students from all over the world to discuss different topics in the economics field. The courses will take place between 10th and 24th of August 2025.

Together with speakers and professors from top universities and companies around the world, more than 40 participants will join speakers and professors from leading universities and global companies for 2 enriching weeks on the campus of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, with an extended weekend dedicated to discovering unique destinations across Romania.

This year’s topic is Marketing in the AI Era: Insights, Engagement, Innovation.

Ready to join this year’s edition? Here’s how to apply!
It’s the perfect opportunity to discover a new country, a lot of new people from all around the world and to learn a lot of great information!
Here’s how to apply!

All you need to do is prepare your Curriculum Vitae (CV), fill in the Application Form below, and, depending on the application type you choose, submit a motivation letter and/or an essay. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at application@bsu.ase.ro — we're happy to help!

Here are the types of application that you can choose from:

Price: Free*

Deadline:2̶0̶t̶h̶ 31st of May 2024

Results: 1st of June 2024 (if no deadline extension is applied)

Requirements: CV + Essay (sent using the Application form) + Motivation Letter

About the essay:


  • Format: 2000 words (Times New Roman, Size 12, Spacing 1,5 |
  • Topic: Cross-border e-commerce revolution. Analyzing Shein’s rise and its global impact
  • Essay Structure:
    1. Introduction
    2. The rise of Shein
    • history & development
    • business model and strategy
    • key factors in success
    1. Shein’s global impact
    • Market expansion and penetration
    • Impact on traditional retail
    • Supply chain innovations
    1. Challenges and controversies
    • Regulatory and legal challenges
    • Sustainability and ethical concerns
    1. The future of cross-border e-commerce
    • Lessons from Shein’s business model
    • Emerging trends and technologies
    1. Conclusion
    2. References


    400 € (Early Bird)

    500 € (Late Bird)


    • Early bird: 1st of May 2023
    • Late bird: 1st of June 2023

    Results: up to 3 weeks after we will receive your application

    Requirements: CV + Motivation letter (sent using the Application form)


    700 € (Early Bird)

    800 € (Late Bird)


    Early bird: 1st of May 2024

    Late bird: 1st of June 2024

    Results: in maximum 48 hours after we will receive your application

    Requirements: CV (sent using the Application form)

    Now that you know what you have to do it’s time to apply!

    *Please Note: Regardless of the payment option you choose, the BSU organizing team will provide the following throughout the program: accommodation, three meals per day, transportation from the airport upon arrival, a weekend trip (including accommodation, meals, and transport), academic courses, and extracurricular activities. None of the payment options cover your travel expenses to and from Romania.

    **Additional note: Additional fees are mandatory and will be collected upon arrival in Romania. They cover costs related to museum entries, laundry facilities, extracurricular materials, and other student services during the program.

    © 2024 – Bucharest Summer University. The Bucharest University of Economic Studies. All rights reserved